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2005 Web Site Updates Archive

Updated: Page/Section: Title:
December 31, 2005 Personal News 2005 - A Year in Retrospect
December 31, 2005 Personal News Models/Miniatures Update
December 1, 2005 Photos Philadelphia Miniaturia
November 15, 2005 Personal News Vacation in Fantasyland
October 17, 2005 Web Design/How’d You Do That? Web Design Question about Transparent Panes and Internet Explorer Compatibility
August 29, 2005 Personal News Rowen’s 1st Birthday
August 29, 2005 Perl Scripts PerlCrumbs 1.1
August 25, 2005 Personal News Switzerland (part 3)
August 25, 2005 Personal News A Brief Hiatus from Switzerland Memoirs
July 8, 2005 Personal News Switzerland (part 2)
July 7, 2005 Photos Switzerland
June 28, 2005 Personal News Switzerland (part 1)
June 6, 2005 Personal News Graduation (part 2)
Photos University of Massachusetts Lowell 2005 Graduation
June 1, 2005 Personal News Graduation (part 1)
May 19, 2005 Fife tips/tricks Outside Resources/Links
May 8, 2005 Web Design/Screen Design & Layout “How to Use Screen Real Estate”
May 6, 2005 Web Design/How’d You Do That? “Transparent Layers and Window Panes”
May 3, 2005 Web Design/Screen Design & Layout “The Faerie Cottage”
April 4, 2005 Essay Franz Kafka’s “Metamorphosis”
March 28, 2005 Personal News Baby Rowen’s First Easter
Photos Rowen’s Easter
Orlando, FL
March 11, 2005 Essay The Role of Female Troubadours and Trobairitz in the Middle Ages
March 8, 2005 Photos Dog Studies
Black & White Fun
February 2, 2005 Fife tips/tricks A ‘Note’ on Articulation
February 2, 2005 Pipeband tips/tricks All About Strathspeys
January 28, 2005 Fife tips/tricks Teaching the “10-hole Beastie” to a 6-hole fifer
January 17, 2005 Perl Scripts PerlCrumbs 1.0
January 21, 2005 Site News New Web Site Layout!
New Web Site Layout! Posted: 21 January 2005

It’s about time!

Yes, yes, I know if anybody actually reads my site, you’ve noticed I tend to put off doing updates. The truth is, I don’t really have time to do a whole lot, and what I want to do there isn’t a section for. So, I’m completely revamping everything - the layout, structure, contents, so there should be a place for everything, and everything in a place! (In theory anyway...)

Please Excuse the Mess

Everything’s not perfect. If this was a “real” site instead of my personal page, I’d make sure it was totally debugged first. But, since I’ve worked on this way too long already, and I want to get it OUT there, there are bound to be some dead links, inconsistencies, and just plain errors on my part until I have time to comb through and fix things. So please bear with me, and if you see anything, e-mail me! (And yes, I know I haven’t changed the templates in the photo section yet...)

So what’s new?

Since my own Web site is usually in a state of disarray, I always hesitated to tell people what it is that I spend most of my time on... and the truth is... Web sites! Yes, I’m a professional web-nerd, and make my living doing everybody’s page but my own. But, I’ve finally had time to sit down and make my page (in my opinion) rock. In doing so, I’ve once again realized just how little information there is pertaining to very specific Web design issues. So, since I’ve spent lots of time doing legwork looking for answers, I’ll be posting them from now on, so that other frustrated people like myself might perchance stumble upon my solution and benefit.

For starters, I made my site searchable (see the top bar? Isn’t it pretty?), and I’ve put “breadcrumbs” in the upper left so you can figure out where you are. Surprisingly enough, it’s nearly impossible to find a SIMPLE script (perl or otherwise) to do this... so I ended up writing my own perl code and then including it. It’s pretty nifty. I’ll stick it in the web development section for anyone who wants it.

*Yawn* Any non-geek stuff?

I plan on putting some other stuff up, too. I’ve been spending the last year or so trying to finish up a degree, as well, and have had some interesting non-computer classes in the meantime, for which I’ve had to write numerous essays about... stuff. So, if you want to read any of them, I’ll post some of the better ones. Maybe they’ll help some other student doing research or something. In any case, I guess the biggest addition to the site is the sharing of a broader range of knowledge. It won’t be limited to fifes, drums, bagpipes, and my dog now. I no longer think of my page as simply a poster advertising my interests, but as a resource to contribute to the world-wide library of the web.