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Transparent Floating Panes

The Basic Concept
Visible vs. Invisible
Optional Stuff
Using Multiple Top Colors
Problems with Internet Explorer

The Basic Concept:

You aren’t setting something to actually be transparent. This function isn’t fully realized yet, so we have to fool your browser. What we’re essentially doing is having 2 layers that start from an absolute position of the bottom left corner of your screen, that are identical - but with different “colors.”


a bottom background a top background


The white is the bottom layer. The blue is the positioned exactly over the white. The trick is in telling the browser when to show the blue one, and when to ignore it and let the white one show through.

2 different opaque layers

Each graphic will originate from the same exact position in the bottom left corner of the screen, overlapped exactly on top of each other.

Visible vs. Invisible

Now, we need to figure out how to fool the browser into hiding the top layer when it’s not needed. We do this with div tags and your cascading style-sheet (css) definitions.

Step 1

First, we define your bottom-background image:

.bottom_bg {
	background-image: url(bottom_bg.jpg);
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-attachment: fixed;
	background-position: 0px 100%;
	background-color: #FFFFFF;

This is saying, “Use this background graphic, don’t repeat it, and don’t let it scroll up or down when the user uses the scroll bars.” Your point of reference will be 0px from the left and 100% from the top. (This is the part that doesn’t work in Internet Explorer - Read more)

NOTE: I suppose you could make your body css definition have the above in it, but for some reason I don’t remember it working for me... could be because of all the other stuff I have going on in my css files. You can always experiment after you feel comfortable with it the way it is in this example.

For example.html I made the <body class="bottom_bg"> , or you could make a <div class="bottom_bg"> if you want - just be aware it may not show up until you have enough content to start intersecting with the graphic, whereas body forces the full-width and height of your browser window.

Step 2

Within that div (or body) tag, you need to define your window pane. We use div tags to define this, as well. Since we want a nice “window” effect anyway, we can add some margins and a nice little border around our pane like so:

.top_bg {
	background-image: url(top_bg.jpg);
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-attachment: fixed;
	background-position: 0px 100%;
	background-color: #E5E5E5;
	padding: 5px;
	margin: 10px;
	border: 1px solid #AAAAAA;

See example.html to see what it looks like.

Optional Stuff

You don’t need padding, margin, or border definitions. These just “pretty it up.” Background-color (even if it seems redundant to background-image) however, must stay in. If you don’t have this, then your div will only change color over the image area, and you’ll have “cut off” lines where the graphic stops.

If you have a bar on the left or right, like I do (for menu stuff) you can set your graphic to start at 200px 100%, if you’d like. Or, if you want it up from the bottom, set 0px 80% or something. The only problems is the percentage is going from the top - and since you can’t guarantee the size of everyone’s browser, the bottom is a moving target. So percentage is your best bet. And, for whatever reason, you can’t (as far as I can tell) anchor the graphic from the top-left corner.

Using Multiple Top Colors

You may notice throughout my site that there are actually 3 examples of floating transparent panes (unless you have i.e. in which case I tell my server to ignore you and give you the “vanilla” site and you miss all the good stuff.) These 3 examples are the music background of the menu to the left, the gray title-bars of posts (like at the top of this page), and the pink text-area of posts (also at the top of this page).

I don’t have these panes on top of anything except the base (bottom_bg.jpg) layer. So essentially - steps 2 & 3 are repeated for each one, but called different names and with different values/definitions, and used “in-line” instead of overlapping each other.

Problems with Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer interprets the css differently than Mozilla (what I like to use.) In this case, while we’re trying to fool it into using several identical layers laid exactly on top of one another, in a fixed position... I.E. will use the starting point relative to the div tag.

That is, your bottom_bg.jpg may start from the bottom of your screen on the left, but your top_bg.jpg will start from the bottom-left of wherever your div ends. And it will scroll, despite the “fixed” attribute. The background image won’t, but the top will. So, we have skewed layers and cut-off graphics that look like floating puzzle-pieces, rather than a nice transparent window pane.

Email Question about IE Compatibility Posted: 17 October 2005
Some guy emailed me with the following question:

I loved the transparent qualities of the website contents. Too bad it doesn’t work in the most widely used browser! I use Mozilla so it looked great to me right off the bat.

My question is, have there been any new ways to manage this same effect in IE? I’ve got a rather plain site I’m working on and I’d like some frosted glass look, or qualities like that, but...if it doesn’t work, there’s not much use. And SO much doesn’t work in IE! I’d prefer not to use hacks, but it looks like that’s really the only way to go.

If you could get back to me, I’d appreciate it.

First, let me say I don’t normally post people’s email questions on my site, but he wanted an answer, and didn’t provide an email address that worked. (It got bounced back). So make sure your email is right when you fill out the email form!

My Answer:

I haven’t come across any new info, but I haven’t looked lately, either. But I know IE hasn’t done anything to improve its style-sheet handling, so I doubt it. As a professional web-designer, IE is my bane. And IE for Mac? It’s a lost cause, so I don’t even bother checking on that one anymore. Anybody who still uses it, is probably used to things not working right.

My Web site has been tested on the latest (windows) Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape, and Opera browsers, and on the latest (mac) Safari, Mozilla, Firefox, and Opera browsers. (Opera is assuming the "identity" is set to something other than IE6). I don’t know if it would work with the IE6 profile, but if it gives the identity of IE6, my Web-page is programmed to give you the “plain” style-sheet instead, just to avoid all the difficulties.

To make your page use a different style-sheet just for the IE people:

	<!--#if expr="${HTTP_USER_AGENT} = /MSIE/" -->
	<link href="/css/ie.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
	<!--#else -->
	<link href="/css/fifer.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
	<!--#endif -->

That’s using Apache. I don’t know if that expression would work on other servers or not.

Some suggestions I haven’t tried (that you might fiddle with): hacking the stylesheet to use javascript client width/height or scroll-heights to find the window size, so you can give it definite coordinates. However, this still doesn’t fix the fact that it will still scroll whether you tell it to or not.

Like “max-height” and “max-width” IE doesn’t have a “fixed” property for pictures that aren’t the background. It’s like the old Saturday Night Live skit about the phone company: “We’re Microsoft. We don’t have to care.” ;-P