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Contact me!

Due to an overwhelming amount of spam...

Please fill out the form below to contact me. Paranoid or afraid of forms? Read below to find out why I use a form instead of an email address.

* This information goes to a private individual, will be kept private and won't be sold or used in any way except for personal correspondence.

Email Form
** Please make sure your email address is right, or we won't be able to reply to you! **
Your name:  
Your email:   @

Security Question:   The following is a picture of a __ __ __ :
Why do I have to fill out a form to contact you?

I've taken my email address off my webpages because I'm getting hit with an inordinate amount of spam lately with ways to mortgage my house so I can buy prescription drugs to enhance and enlarge every part of my anatomy. Unfortunately, one way “they” get such addresses is to send out web-bots to pick up things that look like email addresses on webpages...

So, while I enjoy getting (legitimate) email from people and am more than happy to give you my address, I don't wish to post it here in the open where the ’bots can get it.