One White Sock
Little red dog with one white sock
Settled for a nap on my feet
Soft little ears and a tail that was docked
You chose to come home with me
When leaving the farm, your heart filled with fear
For the farm was all you had known
But I whispered and comforted and said I was near
And I'd take you to your new home
Somehow I knew as I drove down the road
That my life had profoundly changed
This little red dog with his too long nose
Would share all my joys and my pain
As we headed home, I made a vow
To love and care for you 'til the end
You rested your head on my shoulder and cheek
And I calmed you and stroked with my hand
Little red dog with one white sock
The weeks that followed were rough
But we stuck together and a friendship was formed
That held even when times became tough
Little red dog with one white sock
You were a friend and companion for years
But seeing you in pain as you limped and then hopped
Was enough to bring me to tears
Little red dog with one white sock
This last trip you made not a sound
It’s just another trip we’ve made on this journey
That’s about being together, and not where we’re bound
The news was not good, alas it was a shock
There was nothing that could be done any more
For my poor little friend with one white sock
My heart leapt into my throat as it tore
You sniffed me in greeting as we entered somber-eyed
You smiled and then you hopped about
Putting on a show and comforting us as we cried
Filling us with considerable doubt
Buddy, I wish I could keep you with me
For forever and a day
But to do that, you’d have to suffer
And it’s too high a price for you to pay
You did your job and you did it well
And to ask for more would be too much
I want to remember all that you’ve done
And just how greatly I felt loved
So I laid down beside you and held you in my arms
Resting your head on my shoulder and my cheek
And I stroked and I pet you, and you gave me a kiss
And then quietly you went to sleep
In loving memory of Cinnamon - my friend, my companion, my love