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  Janis Kenderdine's Home on the Web  

Fifer’s Web site — on the Web since 1995!

My Web Sites | How’d You Do That? | Screen Design & Layout | My Perl Scripts


I make my living (in various degrees) as a Web designer, and as such, have learned a lot o’ stuff about making things work (for the most part) across different browsers, platforms, etc. I’ve also learned some general hints and tricks to work around certain bugs and problems that comes from these. I’ve also written a few perl scripts, and figured out how to do a lot of weird stuff with ssi (server-side includes), css (cascading style sheets) and html. I could get into javascript, asp, php and python, too, but you have to pick your battles. Maybe someday I’ll get into those more in depth, but for now, I’m a perl-gurl.

Hopefully you’ll find something useful in here. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me and maybe I’ll know the answer.

Sub-Section: Title:
My Web Sites The Feadán Ór Pipe Band
Miss MacRae’s - Seamstress, Milliner and Mantua Maker
The Christmas Ceilidh Band
How'd you do that? Transparent Layers and Window Panes
Screen Design & Layout How to Use Screen Real Estate
The Faerie Cottage
Perl Scripts PerlCrumbs 1.5