Some guy emailed me with the following question:
I loved the transparent qualities of the website contents. Too bad
it doesn’t work in the most widely used browser! I use Mozilla so
it looked great to me right off the bat.
My question is, have there been any new ways to manage this same
effect in IE? I’ve got a rather plain site I’m working on and I’d
like some frosted glass look, or qualities like that, but...if it
doesn’t work, there’s not much use. And SO much doesn’t work in IE!
I’d prefer not to use hacks, but it looks like that’s really the
only way to go.
If you could get back to me, I’d appreciate it.
First, let me say I don’t normally post people’s email questions on my site, but he wanted an answer, and didn’t provide an email address that worked. (It got bounced back). So make sure your email is right when you fill out the email form!
My Answer:
I haven’t come across any new info, but I haven’t looked lately, either. But
I know IE hasn’t done anything to improve its style-sheet handling, so I doubt
it. As a professional web-designer, IE is my bane. And IE for Mac? It’s a
lost cause, so I don’t even bother checking on that one anymore. Anybody who
still uses it, is probably used to things not working right.
My Web site has been tested on the latest (windows) Mozilla,
Firefox, Netscape, and Opera browsers, and on the latest (mac) Safari,
Mozilla, Firefox, and Opera browsers. (Opera is assuming the “identity”
is set to something other than IE6). I don’t know if it would
work with the IE6 profile, but if it gives the identity of IE6, my Web-page is
programmed to give you the “plain” style-sheet instead, just to avoid all the
To make your page use a different style-sheet just
for the IE people:
<!--#if expr="${HTTP_USER_AGENT} = /MSIE/" -->
<link href="/css/ie.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<!--#else -->
<link href="/css/fifer.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<!--#endif -->
That’s using Apache. I don’t know if that expression would work on other
servers or not.
Some suggestions I haven’t tried (that you might fiddle with): hacking the
stylesheet to use javascript client width/height or scroll-heights to find the
window size, so you can give it definite coordinates. However, this still
doesn’t fix the fact that it will still scroll whether you tell it to or not.
Like “max-height” and “max-width” IE doesn’t have a “fixed” property for
pictures that aren’t the background. It’s like the old Saturday Night Live
skit about the phone company: “We’re Microsoft. We don’t have to care.” ;-P