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Documents & Miscellaneous Stuff

Ghosts from the Past Posted: 7 April 2006

Ghosts from the Past

Is your name here? Drop me a line!

Miscellaneous Essays:

Essay Posted: 4 April 2005

Franz Kafka’s “Metamorphosis”

A paper I did for a Short Story literature class at the University of Massachusetts Lowell

Essay Posted: 11 March 2005

The Role of Female Troubadours and Trobairitz in the Middle Ages

A paper I did for a women in music class at the University of Massachusetts Lowell

Essay Posted: 29 November 2004

The Partisans of Boston Common

A paper I did for my 20th Century Art class at the University of Massachusetts Lowell

Essays from other parts of the site:

Screen Design & Layout Posted: 8 May 2005

How to Use Screen Real Estate

A research/reflection paper I wrote for a class at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.

How'd You Do That? Posted: 6 May 2005

Transparent Layers and Window Panes

Information about how to make transparent "window panes" on your web site using cascading style-sheets.

Screen Design & Layout Posted: 3 May 2005

The Faerie Cottage

A screen-design project I did in a Photoshop class at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.

Tips, Tricks, & Useful Information Posted: 2 February 2005

All About Strathspeys

Ever wonder what a strathspey was, and what makes it different?

Tips, Tricks, & Useful Information Posted: 2 February 2005

A ‘Note’ on Articulation

The art of articulation for the contemporary “ancient” fifer. This article is for everyone, beginner to advanced.

Tips, Tricks, & Useful Information Posted: 28 January 2005

Teaching the “10-hole Beastie” to a 6-hole fifer

Way back when I switched to a 10-hole fife, like many people, I was pretty much left to figure it out on my own. Hopefully this will help fifers figure out how to make the transition, and how to better their playing to get the most out of their 10-hole fife. This article is for everyone, whether you’re new to the fife, new to the 10-hole fife, or have even have been playing the 10-hole for a while.