Ghosts from the Past
Looking for old friends, classmates, and acquaintances from the long strange
trip known as "life."
Contact me!
From Scotch Plains and other parts of NJ:
- Dan Aichele
- Matt Apple
- Andy Chemidlin
- Nellie Connor
- Chuck Dettmar
- Phil Dietterich
- Jim Douglas
- Jael Douglas
- John Drescher
- John Gayewski
- Doug Green
- Jason Green
- Mike Gurzo
- Karl Hamill
- Bill Hance
- Taj Jones
- Jennifer Mack
- Allison Mack
- Eugene Pearson
- Chris Plante
- David Ray
- Joe Reo
- Robert Rybitski
- Avtar Shepherd-Singh
- Harry Stratton
- David Stuto
- Jackie Trainor
- Robert Trainor
- Samuel David Walker (aka 'Pedestrian')
From BBS's:
- Aura of Power & Light (George White?)
- Carnal Plumber (Louis)
- Kelly Barton
- Bobbi Crivelli
- Brett Pasternack
- Lupus Yonderboy (Matt Gracie?)
From Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Rochester, NY:
- Mike Callahan
- Shin Nakayama
- Robert Weatherford
- Chris Witlox