I know there's a ton of web-traffic analysis and
counters out there, even in perl - but many of them required a stupid
logo be on your page, or you couldn't change anything in the code,
etc. - so I decided to write my own. Although it would be nice to find out
how many people use my code, I'm not going to require that they ugly-up
their site with an icon or broken image links. It's exactly this reason
that I ultimately decided to write my own script to do more or less the
same stuff. The counter/info-collector is fairly small in load-up size,
and is completely hidden/invisible on the page. The reports have
basic info and information the average home-user web-master is
concerned with. I mean, how many of us really care about some of the
granular info we're given? We just want to see what people are
looking for when they find our site or pages, and how many came
through, right?
Also, since my Web site is hosted on a bigger server, programs that
used access logs were overkill, and to be frank, useless - because I
couldn't get the information JUST pertaining to my pages. I had the
whole server! I was pleased to find out that aside from the main
server defaults, that my site seemed to be one of the most popular on
the site, but still - it didn't give me the useful info that I wanted.
So - this script does not use server access-logs. It works just like
an invisible counter. Maybe eventually I'll put in a visible counter
option, but for now, this is just for tallying web traffic, and
traffic analysis.
Version 1.0 is pretty simple - it just gives some
basic info like ip address of visitors, their user-agent info, pages they visited (and at
what time), keywords used and referral pages (if available), and attempts
to break out the obvious web-crawlers and bots from the "useful"
information. There's a graph at the top that shows you the popularity of
various pages per day or by month. I haven't really made a year option
yet, as I think it would be a bit too much information for one page, and
to be honest, I haven't collected enough data to test year-information.
Maybe in a future version. But right now, this is a simple thing to
count unique visitors and graph page popularity.
Please visit back when I get more features posted in newer versions.