This Citadel drummer all the way to the left was the second soldier I ever got. I got him brand-new in a gift shop at Fort Sumter, SC, while on vacation in 1988.
I increased the size of my collection (of the previous 2) dramatically when I went to Disney World in 1996 and bought a bunch of soldiers from a gift shop in the Magic Kingdom. I can't really make out his signature on the bottom of these pieces, but it looks like he signs his work "Lehan's." These are some of the nicest pieces I have in my collection. Great modeling skill went into these, and (I think) the painting is really good. This is the only confederate drummer like this one that I have.
This is the same mold used for the confederate drummer, but painted in Union colors. I currently only have one of these. I used to have 2, but I gave one to the son/grandkids of a former drumming teacher who sadly passed on, as this "little drummer" fondly reminded me of him. We both played in a group wearing union uniforms like this, and he was notorious for being "the little guy."