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It's Sunny 24/7!

Aliyah’s CN SunSpots, CD, RN, NA, NAJ, NF, RS-N, JS-N, GS-E, TD *

Biography of a Turbo-Charged Thunder-Pup
Don’t let my cuteness fool you!

Aliyah’s CN SunSpots (“Sunny”) is a red-merle Australian Shepherd who was born on September 18, 2006 at Aliyah Australian Shepherds in Pulaski, New York, with help from Lynne and Larry Skinner. Her mother is a red-merle Aussie named “Kailee” (Aliyah Kylin Rustlin’Petticoat), and her father is a black-tri named “Scotty” (AKC Ch Mill Creek’s StonemeadowScotsman).

Sunny joined me in November of 2006, at 9 weeks old. It was a long drive home, but she made use of every rest-stop along the way, doing her business out in the grass like a good girl and 6 hours later arrived home in her still-clean crate. As you can see from the picture on the right, she was a smiley, curious and happy ball of energy, and little has changed since then!

Within the first 4 days we had her, we taught her, “sit,” “lie-down,” “dead-dog,” “roll-over,” “shake,” “fetch,” and “drop-it.” It’s also amazing just how much nuance and other vocabulary she picked up, as well. She’s very responsive to both of us, and when she hears a word she knows she should know, but isn’t quite sure, she’ll cock her head to the side (see photo on the left).

She likes playing with just about any toy you introduce to her, and will systematically play with each and every one of them. More recently she’s even taken an interest in frisbee and skateboarding! Such an athlete and a dare-devil! (We should’ve named her Evil Kinevil!) She’s also been putting that energy and fearlessness into agility and having way too much fun with that!

On the calm-dog front, she’s now a “therapy dog.” While not the laid back older dog Cinnamon was when he did his therapy dog work, she’s done very well with kids at the school we visit monthly. She’s affectionate and loveable, and tolerant of just about anything. (Sadly, the only thing that seems to bother her is my fifing... not even thunder and lightning seems to faze her, but bring out the fife, and she slinks off to a corner to cover her ears or starts bellowing a mournful counterpoint to the music...)

Sunny Portrait - 1 year old
I love posing like this!

As you can see here, she’s grown up into a beautiful young lady! Note the photo on the right - tongue hanging out, smiling and one foot up, just like the one at 10-weeks old above it!

Soft “Bunny Fur” Coat

Sunny was recently described to me by a golden-retriever owner as having “bunny fur” because she’s so soft. I had always thought Cinnamon was particularly soft, even compared to other Aussies, and figured he was unique. I was resigned that my next dog wouldn’t be as soft, and even when she was a puppy, Sunny wasn’t as soft as Cinnamon. However, I’ve since decided it may have to do with the Biotin and Vitacoat® Plus supplements I give them.

Cinnamon had dry skin and what I suspected were some allergies, so I started putting Drs. Foster & Smith “Biotin” and “Vitacoat®” on his food each night, along with a multivitamin. The immediate results (3 weeks or so) were that his skin wasn’t dandruffy anymore, and he wasn’t quite so itchy. The longer-term results I saw was that he didn’t shed quite as much. (That’s not to say he didn’t shed at all!) Also, everyone kept telling me how beautiful he was. I chalked it up to having started having him professionally groomed, but they’re right - his coat went from red to brilliant, shiny “Pantene-commercial” red. When he died, I still had a fairly large bottle (8 oz.) of Biotin and most of a gallon of the Vitacoat®. I started putting it on Sunny’s food (following her weight and the dosages), and haven’t really thought much of it, except that she has noticeably gotten softer! She still doesn’t quite have the “chinchilla-head” that Cinnamon had, but she also doesn’t have the matting problems! So now she’s soft and fluffy (although in these pictures she could stand a good brushing...) with “bunny fur”! Other factors I thought it might have been - Grooming spray (I would spray down Cinnamon periodically when he got a bit “doggy” smelling, however I haven’t used it much or at all on Sunny), regular combing/brushing (however I admit I’ve been less than diligent with Sunny’s brushing since she doesn’t seem to require it as much as Cinnamon did - although she LOVES going to the “salon” to visit the girls), and being an “indoor dog.” The last part may still have something to do with it, although I’m pretty sure the other Aussies I’ve met were indoor pets as well. And maybe the best conditioner of all is finger-oil! Lots of petting and attention makes a dog shiny and happy all over!

Photos & Home Movies
Sunny Montage
Sunny Montage - just like my Uncle Neo
Master Bedroom
Master Bedroom
(compare to the Andrew Wyeth version )


Visit Sunny’s Photo Album


Video footage of Sunny’s tricks. Click on the links to see her in action! (5 months old)

Here, Sunny participated in her first agility show ’n go at the Riverside K9 Center in Nashua, NH. She did very well, considering she’s never done much more than 5 apparatus’ in a row! We did 17 apparatus’ in a row, with only one missed weave-pole, one minor collision with Janis (handler error!), and one bar shaken loose. All in all, I think she did VERY well for her first time out. Not the fastest on the course today, but she proved to be under control and took direction well from me, which I (personally) think is more important, especially at the beginning of her agility "career."

Both of us are completely new to agility, but if it’s like music (which I do have some competition experience in), slow and steady wins the race. We’re learning proper technique and will worry about speed later once we have the fundamentals mastered. While I know she’s a speed-demon (she didn’t earn the nicknames "Thunder-Pup" and "Wild-Child" for nothin’!), I personally would be happy with clean (but slower) runs. We don’t need medals - she’d just eat them anyway. ;-) But to say she did the entire course correctly would show focus and control, which to me is more important, and no matter what we do, she has fun. After all, 2 steps out the door, and she’s trying to drag me back into the building to do more, More, MORE!

Since then, we've earned several agility titles. Stay tuned for more videos, or just subscribe to us on YouTube!

* What All Those Titles Mean