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Sunny the Harlequin Clown

Don’t let my cuteness fool you!

Why devote a page to this? Initially, I was thinking of dressing Sunny up for Halloween, for her kids she visits as a "therapy dog." The clear choice seemed to be that of a clown, and more specifically (due to her markings) a harlequin clown. As I did my research, however, I found it more than a little ironic that this role should fit her so completely.

According to clownsoftheworld.com, there was a chief clown character in Italy called "Arlecchino," a masked figure who engaged in slapstick comedy. "The first of the Harlequins were characterized as simpletons, but they evolved into a more cunning character... ones who would use their presumed absence of intelligence to trick the unwary."

Harlequin is the English equivalent for Arlecchino, and is often depicted as a servant to other "characters", but he is much more intelligent. However, as often as he often tries to trick his masters, he usually fails!

Arlecchino is always moving, in acrobatic and agile ways. Therefore, the actor who plays him should be very flexible. His knees are always bent, as if he could spring up at any minute into a leap or acrobatic move. Arlecchino never walks in a straight line, opting instead to zig-zag... Like Zanni, Arlecchino is led by his nose--his head follows an object, and then his body goes after it. (Commedia dell 'Arte)

The more I read, the more this sounds just like my smart, mischievous, agile, happy little comedienne with the tongue hanging out.

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