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Sunny the Harlequin ClownWhy devote a page to this? Initially, I was thinking of dressing Sunny up for Halloween, for her kids she visits as a "therapy dog." The clear choice seemed to be that of a clown, and more specifically (due to her markings) a harlequin clown. As I did my research, however, I found it more than a little ironic that this role should fit her so completely. According to, there was a chief clown character in Italy called "Arlecchino," a masked figure who engaged in slapstick comedy. "The first of the Harlequins were characterized as simpletons, but they evolved into a more cunning character... ones who would use their presumed absence of intelligence to trick the unwary." Harlequin is the English equivalent for Arlecchino, and is often depicted as a servant to other "characters", but he is much more intelligent. However, as often as he often tries to trick his masters, he usually fails!
The more I read, the more this sounds just like my smart, mischievous, agile, happy little comedienne with the tongue hanging out. |