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English Vocabulary

Vocabulary learned at Thanksgiving Posted: 26 November 2007
  • n. = noun
  • adj. = adjective
  • v. = verb
  • adv. = adverb
word type pronunciation (katakana pronunciation) - from JDIC dictionary - my definition

Useful Words/Vocabulary

Sticky adj. st-i-kee (スティキ) - 粘い 【ねばい】, べた付く物; べたつく物 【べたつくもの】
Stuck - adj. st-uh-k (スタク) - 刺さる 【ささる】
Puppy - n. puh-pee (パピ) - 子犬; 小犬; 仔犬 【こいぬ】baby/child dog
Blanket - n. bl-ang-ket (ブランケット) - (on a bed)
Snap - v., n., adv. sna-p (スナプ) - ぷつん, びしっと, ぱちっ - to break quickly, or a sound made with fingers
Pill - n. pi-ll (ピル) - 一錠 【いちじょう】, 丸剤 【がんざい】,丸薬 【がんやく】 - one piece of medicine
Pond - n. pah-n-d (パンドゥ) - 池泉 【ちせん】, 凹溜まり 【くぼたまり】, 池 【いけ】, 釣り堀(P); 釣堀 【つりぼり】, 沼 【ぬま】 - a small body of water
Lake - n. lae-k (ラエク) - 湖 【みずうみ】, 湖水 【こすい】 - a large body of water (but not an ocean)
Mud - n. muh-d (マドゥ) - 泥 【どろ】, 泥土 【でいど】 - wet dirt
Squeeze - v. skw-eez (スクィイーヅ) - 絞り出す 【しぼりだす】, 揉み出す 【もみだす】 - compress, hold together
Squish - n.,v. skw-ih-sh (スクィシ) - べちゃんこ, べたんこ, ぷにぷに - sound of wet mud, or liquid being squeezed; to make something flat
Subway - 地下鉄 【ちかてつ】 - a train that makes many stops in each town, usually underground
Commuter Train - 準急 【じゅんきゅう】, 準急 【じゅんきゅう】- a train that makes one stop in each town (for businessmen going to work, usually)
Amtrak - Am-trak (アムトゥラク) - 急行 【きゅうこう】 - Amtrak is a company name for a very common nationwide passenger-train
Express Train (usually Amtrak) - 新快速 【しんかいそく】 - a train-line that goes very quickly from Boston to Washington D.C. (only stops in New York City, and maybe Philadelphia - very large cities)


Crust - n. kr-uh-st (クラスト) - パイ皮 【パイがわ】, 介甲 【かいこう】- pastry outside of a pie
Spatula - n. spa-chu-la (スパーテル; スパチュラ) - 箆 【へら】, フライ返し 【フライがえし】 - flat rubber spoon
Whisk - n. wi-sk (ウィスク) - 泡立て器 【あわだてき】- wire tool for beating eggs or mixing ingredients
Teaspoon - n. tee-spoo-n (ティースプーン) - 小さじ(P); 小匙 【こさじ】, 茶さじ; 茶匙 【ちゃさじ】 - small spoon used to measure ingredients when cooking; the smaller spoon at a table when eating
Tablespoon - n. tae-buhl-spoo-n (テーブルスプーン) - 大さじ(P); 大匙 【おおさじ】 - large spoon used to measure ingredients when cooking; the larger spoon at a table when eating (I use it for cereal)
Sticker - n. stihk-r (スティカ) - シール, レッテル, 貼り紙 【はりがみ】 - a label or graphic with a sticky back
Puffy Sticker - n. puh-fee stihk-r (パーフィー スティカー) - a raised sticker
Oak Tree - n. o-k tree (オーク トゥリ) - 柏木 【かしわぎ】 - a hard-wood tree (the very big one we saw is an oak)


Backed Up - adv. bak-d uh-p (バクドゥ アプ) - 窒塞 【ちっそく】 - slow-moving or not moving - traffic, water, lines
Foggy - adj. fah-gii (ファーギ) - 樹雨 【きさめ】, 黒い霧 【くろいきり】, 朝霧 【あさぎり】, 濃霧 【のうむ】, 濛々; 濛濛; 朦朦; 朦々 【もうもう】 - very humid weather, difficult to see; thinking is difficult
"Get a load of ..." or "Check it out!" - a phrase meaning "look at something unusual"
"Hunk" or "Stud" - a very handsome man, or a muscular man (a "stud" could also mean a male animal used for breeding)
"Get a grip!" or "Pull yourself together!" (失意泰然 【しついたいぜん】) - a phrase meaning "stop panicking and be calm!" (panic - 狼狽 【ろうばい】)
Hole in the wall - a small, unknown business or place. Could also imply (仄めかす 【ほのめかす】) a small, dirty place.
Tacky - adj. ta-kii (タキ) - ブサキモ, 見苦しい 【みぐるしい】, 醜い(P); 見憎い 【みにくい】, 不味い 【まずい】, 格好の悪い 【かっこうのわるい】, 格好悪い 【かっこうわるい; かっこわるい】 - ugly, unfashionable, uncool, "Over-the-top" or unattractive
Creepy - adj. kree-pee (クリーピー) - ブサキモ, 百鬼夜行 【ひゃっきやぎょう; ひゃっきやこう】, いけ好かない 【いけすかない】, 気味悪い 【きみわるい; きびわるい】 - scary, wierd, strange, or "icky"; I think Michael Jackson is creepy. :-)
Over-the-top - phrase meaning "too much" or tacky
Psyched up - sai-k-d (サイケドゥ) 気が立つ 【きがたつ】 - phrase meaning "to get excited"
Psyched out - 気に病む 【きにやむ】 - phrase meaning "to get worried or anxious"
Bummer - adj. buh-m-r (バメル) - 気が重い 【きがおもい】 - word meaning "that's too bad!" Or "So desu ne!"
Lay a guilt trip (on someone) - phrase meaning to make someone feel guilty
Knock it off! - 付き合いきれない 【つきあいきれない】 - phrase meaning "Stop behaving badly!" (I say this to the dogs. Some mothers say it to children.)
Shut up! - ダメる; ダメル; だめる - phrase meaning "Be quiet! Stop talking!" - not very polite, but kids say it to each other, or siblings.
Settle down! - 我に返る 【われにかえる】, 落ち着く(P); 落着く; 落ちつく 【おちつく】 - phrase meaning "Stop being so active!", "Stop being hyper!", "Stop being energetic!", or "Be Calm!"
Calm down! - 我に返る 【われにかえる】, 凪ぐ 【なぐ】 - phrase meaning "Be quiet and calm."
That's enough. - (When said to children) - ええ加減にしいや 【ええかげんにしいや】, (when said about food or measuring something) - 足る 【たる】, 十分(P); 充分 【じゅうぶん】


Oh my God! - expression meaning many things... "Wow!", "Oh no!", "So desu ne!"
Crusty - adj. kruh-stee (クラスティー) - ぞっとしない, キモい; きもい, 瘡蓋; 痂 【かさぶた】, 気難しい 【きむずかしい(P); きむづかしい】

Things we ate or cooked with


Pancakes - pan-kae-k (パン ケク)
Maple - mae-puh-l (マエポル)
Syrup - see-ruh-p (シロップ) - liquid made from maple tree sap (楓糖 【かえでとう】)
Bacon - bae-kah-n (バエカン) - strips of pork fried in a pan
Scrambled Eggs - sk-ram-bul-d (スクラムブルダ) - eggs mixed with milk and butter and fried in a pan
Cereal - see-ree-al (シリアル) - flakes made from rice, corn, or wheat (usually dry, and you add milk)

Thanksgiving Dinner

Stuffing - stah-fing (スタフィング) - bread crumbs with seasoning (塩加減 【しおかげん】)
Cranberry Sauce - kran-be-rii sas (クランベリー サス) - sweet sauce made with cranberries
Acorn Squash - ae-ko-r-n sk-wa-sh (エーコン スカッシュ) - a type of squash (南瓜) that looks like an acorn (団栗 【どんぐり】)
Garlic Mashed Potatoes - gah-r-lik ma-sh-d po-tae-to (ガリク マシュドゥ ポタエトー) - potatoes made with milk, butter, and garlic, and mashed (squished?)
Snap Beans - sna-p bee-n (スナプ ビン) - green beans
Baby Carrots - bae-bee ka-ro-ts (バエビ カロツ) - small carrots
Apple Sauce - sauce made from mashed apples


Cran-strawberry juice - (ジュス) juice made from cranberries and strawberries (苺 【いちご】)
Apple juice - juice made from apple meat only (light)
Apple cider - juice made from whole apples (dark)
Grapefruit juice - juice made from grapefruits (ピンクグレープフルーツ)


Apple pie
Pumpkin pie
Maple-butter blondie
Blondie-brownie - a brownie is a dessert made from chocolate (and is brown). A blondie is a brownie (cake) made from white chocolate or white cake (and is yellow). Blonde also means yellow hair.

Cooking Ingredients

Flour - fl-ow-r (フラワ) - メリケン粉 【メリケンこ】
Sugar - shu-ger (シュガル) - 甘蔗 【かんしょ; かんしゃ】
Shortening - shor-ten-ing (ショテニング) - 脂(P); 膏 【あぶら】
Butter - buh-t-r (バテル) - 乳酪 【にゅうらく】
Milk - mih-l-k (メルク) - 牛乳 【ぎゅうにゅう】
Ginger - jin-jer (ジンジャ) - 乾生姜 【かんしょうが】; in Britain, "ginger" is also slang for red hair
Cinnamon - sin-a-mah-n (シナマン) - 桂皮 【けいひ】
Allspice - a mix of spices (ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg)
Nutmeg - nuht-meg (ナツメグ) - 榧 【かや】
Cloves - klow-v-s (クロヴス) - 丁子 【ちょうじ】

Miscellaneous Stuff

Types of Cows

Angus - an-guh-s (アンガス) - アバディーンアンガス種 【アバディーンアンガスしゅ】 - type of beef cow - good steak/hamburger
Holstein - hol-stee-n (ホルスティーン) - ホルスタイン種 【ホルスタインしゅ】, 乳用牛 【にゅうようぎゅう】 - type of milk cow (also butter, cheese) - best at milk
Jersey Cow - j-r-zee (ジャージー) - 乳用牛 【にゅうようぎゅう】 - type of milk cow (also for butter, cheese) - best at butter and cheese

Movie we watched

"Father of the Bride 2"