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My Perl Scripts


Feel free to use, copy, distribute, and change - but you use it all at your own risk. I take no responsibility for any issues that might arise through use of any of my code.

Hopefully you’ll find something useful in here. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me and maybe I’ll know the answer.

PerlCrumbs 1.5 Posted: 29 December 2006

PerlCrumbs Installation and Download

I had a request to make it so that index pages that opt out of using a final separator can also have the final directory name without a link.

i.e. Instead of:

you now have the option of

Home > Documents

(Roll over each link to show which have links and which don’t.)

As usual, if you have a version that works for you, you don’t need to upgrade.

PerlCrumbs 1.4 Posted: 13 September 2006

PerlCrumbs Installation and Download

Fixed a minor run-time bug that showed the final separator on the Home page.

PerlCrumbs 1.3 Posted: 11 April 2006

PerlCrumbs Installation and Download

I had a request to make an option for those who don’t want to put in a (duplicate) index-title.

i.e. Instead of:

Home > Documents > Documents Page


you now have the option of

How much does this script cost? Nothing! Zip, nada, nichts. Totally free, my gift from me to you. Why? Because I’m nice like that. (See the disclaimer at the top of the page). If you’d like to do something for me in return, e-mail me and let me know what page/site you’re using my script on, so I can show it to my friends. “Hey! People use my script! See?”


PerlCrumbs 1.2 Posted: 12 February 2006

PerlCrumbs Installation and Download

I’ve added a target="_blank" (or target= whatever you want) option for those people using frames. I also added the option to use a default page other than “index.html” or whatever /directory/ goes to by default. (Again, usually for frames). This shouldn’t apply to most people. If you have Perlcrumbs 1.0 or 1.1 installed and working, don’t bother reinstalling 1.2.

PerlCrumbs 1.1 Posted: 29 August 2005

PerlCrumbs Installation and Download

Nothing in the code is really changed - I just can’t spell “separate” so I fixed that. :-P If you have Perlcrumbs 1.0 installed and working, don’t bother reinstalling 1.1.

PerlCrumbs 1.0 Posted: 17 January 2005

PerlCrumbs Installation and Download

I couldn’t believe how difficult it was to find a simple cgi perl script to make breadcrumbs (like the thing in the upper left corner showing directories). So... I wrote one. You should have some minor perl experience, or at least be able to figure out what needs to be customized...
