I figured I’d squeak in one update before the new month. I
haven’t been doing much of interest to anybody but myself. I’ve
been dieting again (since Christmas) and joined a gym. I need
to lose some weight to get back to my “happy place.” That would
be, the “before” photo to the left, where I resemble a human
being, and not the “after” photo
to the right, where I look like a pear-shaped weeble-people.
I’ve done it before - I lost about 75 lbs in 1998-99, and managed
to keep it off for 5 years, but after I moved out here, I couldn’t
find a gym I liked (until now), and have been stuck at my desk
pretty much 24/7, which isn’t a good combination. I haven’t exactly
gone back to the old fatty hamburger food before the “big” diet
- it really was a lifestyle change, and I eat chicken and fish
and avoid sauces and stuff now. But I have gone back to sitting
on my butt in front of the t.v. and munching on cookies - not
I’ve been able to keep it up for over a month now - that’s the
hardest part. Once you’ve got a month invested, most of your
addictions and cravings are overcome, and you’ve got enough of
a start to prompt you to continue. So far I’ve undone last year’s
worth of damage... unfortunately, it was the year before that
I put on the most weight. (Although I’m nowhere near what
I was in 1998!)
A lot of people asked me (after the first time) what I did - did I follow
some plan? Did I join Weight-Watchers? Did I do Atkins? No -
I just took all the information we’re bombarded with every day
and used it.
We know fat isn’t good for us, so cut back on it. We know we
need to drink lots of water, so drink lots of water. We know
fewer calories in, more calories out, so make it happen. We
know we have to spend more than 20 minutes doing aerobic activity
3 times a week, so do it. (Yes, former gym/health teachers, I
may not have liked doing, but I was listening and filing it
all away).
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